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Spring and Autumn Pen-Wolongsheng _ txt Novel Para (11th Jan 23 at 12:59am UTC)
"I think they all have places to hide," said Chen Changqing. "Now they're watching us in the sunshine. But we're in the tiger's den, so there's no need to expose these things." "Wait for them to make a move," said Bai. Chen Changqing said, "It seems that this is the only way to deal with all changes with one change." "Father," said Bai Feng! Why haven't there been any news from Zhongyue and Xiaofeng yet? At this moment, even Bai Mei was a little anxious and said slowly, "That's right!"! If these two children go into the ten thousand gardens, they should be with us. "You two don't have to worry," said Chen Changqing. "Mr. Chu is guaranteed to be safe and sound now." "Where do you start?" Asked Bai Feng. "What guarantee do you have?" Chen Changqing said with a smile, "The Beggars' Sect can survive in Jianghu for a long time. Although it has its ups and downs, it can always maintain its doors. Naturally, it has its own special features, especially its set of monitoring people, which is beyond the reach of other doors." "You mean we're all under the surveillance of the Beggars' Sect?" Asked Bai Mei. "This time," said Chen Changqing, "the Sect Leader is in charge. Although the Beggars' Sect is not the elite, it is the elite of the Sect." "What does this have to do with Xiao Fengzhong's disappearance?" Asked Bai Mei. "It matters a lot," said Chen Shiqing. We are under the surveillance of the disciples of our Sect. Xiaofeng and Zhongyue are also under surveillance. If they have any accident, the disciples of Beggars' Sect have already sent out a warning. "Oh," said Bai Mei! In the middle of the conversation, we came to a tile house. It was a house surrounded by flowers, a small quadrangle. A pair of red doors, but tightly closed. Wang Ping said in a low voice, "Master Bai, Elder Chen, this house is the residence of the Lord of the Garden of Ten Thousand." "I know him," said Bai Mei. Chen Changqing smiled and asked, "Would you like me to open the door?" "It's always right to look," said Bai Mei. "Wang Ping," said Chen Changqing, "go to the door and be careful." Wang Ping answered,Magnesium Oxide MgO, strode over, and reached out to knock on the knocker. The gate opened, and a richly dressed middle-aged woman stood in front of it. Wang Ka was stunned for a moment. "Excuse me, madam," he asked, "is Lord Wan Huayuan here?" "Who are you?" Asked the woman in beautiful clothes? What's the matter? "Someone wants to see him," said Wang Ping. "Who?" Asked the woman in beautiful clothes? Where is it now? Bai Mei answered, "Me!"! Right in front of Madame. "May I ask your name?" Said the woman in beautiful clothes coldly. "My surname is Bai, Bai Mei," said Bai Mei. The woman in beautiful clothes shook her head and said, "I don't know. You're looking for the wrong person." Bai Mei stepped forward and put her right foot into the door. "Wait a minute," she said. "This is where Lord Wan lives." "You are robbers," said the woman in beautiful clothes, her face changing. "Don't pretend any more, madam," said Bai Mei. "I.." said the woman in beautiful clothes. "What are you pretending to be, magnesium sulfate monohydrate ,Magnesium Sulphate price, madam?" Asked Bai Mei. "You're obviously good at martial arts." "When did I tell you that you didn't know martial arts?" Asked the woman in beautiful clothes. As soon as he closed his legs, he withdrew from the door. Then, with a loud sound, the wooden door closed. Bai Mei shouted angrily, "Well!"! Decades of old friends, you pretend not to know, you are so heartless, then do not blame me for injustice. The small courtyard was silent and did not hear the answer. Inside the fence, a wooden sign was thrown out, with the words "death to trespassers." Bai Mei laughed and said, "I'm an old friend. We all know how much weight we have. I'd like to see how you can kill me." As soon as he inhaled, he was about to climb over the fence and enter when Chen Changqing suddenly shouted thoughtfully, "Stop." The white insult laughed and said, "You." "There's something wrong," said Chen Changqing. "What's wrong?" Asked Bai Mei. "Did you see the secret note on the wooden sign?" Asked Chen Changqing. "No," said Bai Mei! I only saw four pieces of'dead trespassers'. "There's a six-fingered handprint on it," said Chen Changqing. "Six-finger handprint?" Asked Bai Mei? What does that mean? Chen Changqing said, "That represents the six-fingered gods and demons who live in this small house.".
” "Six Fingers," said Bai Mei, "isn't this old ghost dead yet?" Chen Shiqing said, "The six-finger mark has already explained one thing, that is, living here." "Oh!" Said Bai Mei. "Think about it," said Chen Changqing. "Do you want to go in and have a look?" Bai Mei said, "The Lord of the Garden of Ten Thousand Flowers was born again. Why did he become a six-fingered God and demon?" "I don't know," said Chen Changqing. "Let's go in and have a look! I'll plunder the array for you. "Good," said Bai Mei! Let's go in! Chen Changqing smiled and said, "You go in first." Bai Mei nodded, walked close to the wooden door, raised her right hand, and hit Peng Ran on the wooden door. The wooden door was shaken open by a palm. Bai Mei walked slowly in. Chen Changqing looked back at Zifeng and said, "Keep here. Don't come in." Bai Feng nodded and said, "Senior Chen, please say hello to us when you do it." When Bai Mei walked into the small house, she saw an old man dressed in white, standing with his hands on his back. Bai Mei frowned and said, "Are you Lord of the Garden?" "Who are you?" Asked the old man in white. "Old man Bai Mei," said Bai Mei. www/ m Chapter 18 Demon Subduing Creation Killer Txt = Small _ Say [_ Days. Don "Walking alone?" Asked the old man in white. "Yes," said Bai Mei, "you're not a piece of paper." "Didn't you see the old man's sign?" Asked the old man in white. "Six-fingered gods and demons," said Bai Mei. The six-fingered demon said coldly, "In the past thirty years, I haven't seen anyone alive in the palm of my Yin Feng." "Unfortunately," said Bai Mei, "I met him." "Good," said the six-fingered demon! Then try the old man's three palms first. "You're welcome," said Bai Mei. "Just do it." The six-fingered demon slowly raised his right hand and said, "Be careful, sir." Bai Mei took a breath, gathered all her strength, and said coldly, "Your Excellency,Mono Ammonium Phosphate MAP, just do it." Chen Changqing quickly walked over and said with a smile, "Six-fingered gods and demons, I didn't expect that we would meet again in the Garden of Ten Thousand." 。
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