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The Count of Monte Cristo (9th Jan 23 at 4:43am UTC)
Albert turned round. "Sir," said he, addressing Danglars, "I must prove that your excuse is correct, and I shall now inquire of the Count of Monte Cristo." He bowed to the banker, and went out with Beauchamp, paying no attention to Cavalcanti. Danglars accompanied him to the door, where he affirmed to Albert that he had no personal enmity against the Count of Morcerf, and that he had no desire to offend him. Chapter 88 insult At the banker's door, Beauchamp asked Morcerf to stop. "Listen," said he, "I have just told you that you must demand an explanation from M. de Monte Cristo." "In general, let's go to him now." "Wait, Morcerf, you must think before you see him." "Consider what?" "Consider the seriousness of doing so." "Is this more serious than going to M. Danglars?" Yes, M. Danglars is a man who loves money, and those who love money, you know, are not ready to fight a man when the danger is too great. This one, on the other hand, is a gentleman. Aren't you afraid that he will accept your challenge and fight you? "I am afraid of only one thing,inflatable amusement park, and that is, I am afraid that I will not meet a man who will fight me." "Oh, don't worry," said Beauchamp, "he will certainly fight. I'm afraid he's too strong for you to defeat him. "My friend," said Morcerf, smiling,inflatable floating water park, "it is my wish to die in the duel for my father. That way, we'll all be saved. "Your mother will die of grief." "My poor mother!" Albert rubbed his eyes. "I know she will, but it's better than dying of shame." "Are you determined, Albert?" "Yes." "Can we find him at home?" "He said he would be back a few hours after me. He should be at home now." They boarded the carriage and headed for 30 Champs-Elysees. Beauchamp wished to go in alone, but Albert said that the situation was different from usual, and that he did not have to strictly observe the rules of the duel. The young man, whose motives were all divine, and to whom Beauchamp was obliged to defer, consented to enter with Morcerf. Albert ran from the gate to the steps. Baptistin met him at the door. The count has just come home and is now bathing, and won't let anyone in. What do you do after taking a bath? Asked Morcerf. The master is going to dinner. "What about after dinner?" "He will sleep for an hour." "And then?" "He is going to the Opera House." "Can you be sure?" Asked Albert. It is quite certain that the count ordered the horses to be ready for him at eight o'clock. "Very well," replied Albert; "that is all I want to know." Then, turning to Beauchamp, he said, "If you have anything to do, Beauchamp, Jumping castle with slide ,large inflatable water slide, do it quickly.". If you have an appointment this evening, please change it to tomorrow. I want you to accompany me to the theatre, and bring Chateau-Renaud, if possible. Beauchamp, with Albert's consent, left him, promising to call on him at a quarter past seven. On returning home, Albert informed Franz, Debray, and Morrel that he hoped to see them at the theatre that evening. Then he went to see his mother again. His mother has been lying alone in her bedroom, unwilling to see anyone since yesterday. Albert found her lying in bed, overwhelmed by this public humiliation. The presence of Albert was a great comfort to her, and she seized her son's hand, and could not refrain from sobbing; but her tears could not lessen her distress. Albert stood silently by his mother's bedside. From the pallor of his face and the frown of his brows, he could see that his desire for revenge had gradually disappeared. "My dear mother," said he, "do you know of any enemies of M. de Morcerf?" Mercédès was astonished; she noticed that her son did not say, "My father." "My son," said she, "a man of such eminence as a count always has many enemies in secret. Those blatant enemies are not the most dangerous. Yes, I know that, so I came to ask for your judgment. You have a quick mind, and nothing can escape your eyes.
” "Why did you say that?" "Because, for example, on the evening of the ball at our house, you noticed that M. de Monte Cristo had not eaten at all from our house." Mercds raised herself with trembling hands. M. de Monte Cristo! She exclaimed in surprise. "What does he have to do with all this?" "You know, mother, M. de Monte Cristo is a complete Oriental, and it is the custom of Orientals not to eat or drink in the house of their enemies to preserve all his freedom of revenge." "Do you say that M. de Monte Cristo is our enemy?" Asked Mercédès, turning paler than the sheet that covered her. Who told you that? You are mad, Albert! M. de Monte Cristo has always been courteous to us. M. de Monte Cristo also saved your life; you yourself recommended him to us. Oh, I beg you, my son, if you have this idea, put it away quickly, I tell you-no, I beg you to keep your friendship with him. "Mother," replied the Albert, "do you have any particular reason for making me give in to that man?" "Me?" Said Mercédès, blushing and blanching one after the other. But soon turned pale again. Yes, there must be, and the reason is, "said Albert," "Are you afraid that this man will hurt us?" Mercédès shuddered, and fixed his son with an observant eye. You speak strangely, "she said to Albert,Inflatable water park on lake, as if with some strange prejudice.". Count, what is it that displeases you? Three days ago you were with him in Normandy, and only three days ago we considered him our best friend. 。
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